List-I (Subject matter of organizational structure) | List-II (Area) |
(A) Line and staff relationships expectations | 1. Behavioral |
(B) Teamwork | 2. Hierarchy |
(C) Centralization | 3. Assistants |
(D) Role | 4. Co-ordination: |
List-I (Thinkers) | List-II (Books) |
(A) Allen, L. A. | 1. Modern organization |
(B) Etzioni | 2. Administrative Organisation |
(C) Taylor, F. W. | 3. Shop Management |
(D) Pfiffner, J. M. & F.P. Sherwood | 4. Management and organization |
5. Planning |
List-I (Authors) | List-II (Books) |
(A) Greener | 1. Frontiers in group dynamics |
(B) Lawrence | 2. The dynamics of planned change |
(C) Kurt Levin | 3. The pattern of organizational change |
(D) Lippitt. Watson and Westley change | 4. How to deal with resistance to |
5. Organizational transitions |
List-I (Maslow's theory's Needs) | List-II (Example) |
(A) Physiological | 1. Job security |
(B) Safety | 2. Autonomy |
(C) Social | 3. Food |
(D) Self-esteem | 4. Love |
5. Capacity |