Explanation : When there is unequal treatment by anyone in an institution over sex it is called as gender bias. When any school chooses the name of girls for state level solo-song competition, it is called as gender bias as it is
unacceptable that there is no male singer in the list.
Explanation : Development is a vague and complex term. It is the development of human beings that involves social, political, economic and ethical development. Development of society shows infrastructure development and civic sense. It is not same In every pace.
Explanation : It is recommended for teachers to change the methods and ways of teaching when the students are not taking interest in the lesson and not responding nicely. When the method is changed, there might be a chance to show good result of learning by pupils.
Explanation : Conative domain of learning is directly linked to behaviour and action. It includes intrinsic motivation, goal - orientation, volition, will, self- direction and self - regulation. Doing aspect falls in this category of learning.
Explanation : The child develops different styles of learning. By understanding the principles of development of a child, a teacher can take or adopt a suitable style of learning for a particular learner.