Explanation : When a teacher sees the mistakes in the notebook of any child, it shows the status of that student and how the student is learning the lesson. It is not right always to show anger in previous mistakes.
Explanation : Dyslexia a language based learning disability. It is not a disease, individuals with dyslexia have trouble with reading and spelling despite having the ability to learn. Individual with dyslexia can learn in different way.
Explanation : When we take corrective measures during the process of continuous assessment of children, then there is a sign that there is progress in the learning process of children.
Explanation : Lawrence Kohlberg coined the theory of Moral Education. According to him, there are different stages of educating students with moral values. It is in the interest of the students to get moral values that can guide his/her life.
Explanation : During the primary level the activities like music, storytelling, drama, art, craft, games etc help to develop every possible dimensions and directions. These help in creating the basic foundation of all round development of students and pupils. So, these activities should be organised integrated with every subject.