Compiler Design - Lexical analysis & Parsing


A loader is a program that

A. program that places programs into memory and prepares them for execution.
B. program that automates the translation of assembly language into machine language.
C. program that accepts a program written in a high level language and produces as object program
D. None of these

Option: A

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 A system program that setup an executable program in main memory ready for execution is

A. assembler
B. linker
C. loader
D. load and go

Option: C

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 Which of the following system program forgoes the production of object code to generate absolute machine code and load it into the physical main storage location from which it will be executed immediately upon completion of the assembly ?


Two pass assembler








Option: B

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Uniform symbol table

A. contains all constants in the program
B. is a permanent table of decision rules in the form of patterns for matching with the uniform symbol table to discover syntactic structure.
C. consists of full or partial list of the token's as they appear in the program created by Lexical analysis and used for syntax analysis and interpretation.
D. a permanent table which lists all key words and special symbols of the language in symbolic form.

Option: C

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Assembler is a program that

A. places programs into memory and prepares them for execution
B. automates the translation of assembly language into machine language
C. accepts a program written in a high level language and produces an object program.
D. None of these

Option: B

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