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The UGC NET first paper with paper 2 consists of objective type, multiple-choice questions (MCQ). This section can be used for the online preparation of exams. It contains every information you need to know about the NTA UGC NET Paper 1.Here you can find practice questions for General Paper 1. You can also get updated NTA UGC Net Paper 1 Study Material. As we all know the UGC NET exam is one of the toughest exams in India. Online preparation of NTA net paper 1  you an edge to qualify this exam. This exam is conducted in one session without any break between paper 1 and  Paper 2. This exam will have 50 questions and 100 marks in total.\r\n\r\nThis exam tests the candidate on his teaching and research ability, reasoning ability, higher education knowledge, English, and General Awareness skills. This exam is conducted for a total of 81 subjects every year and is conducted twice a year in the month of June and December. If we talk about the Paper2 syllabus, it is based on the subject which is chosen by the deserving aspirants. Basically NET paper2 has held to test the core knowledge and expertise of the candidates in their respective subjects where he or she thinks that they are masters.To prepare better and take a right and proper idea of this exam Syllabus and paper patterns, participate more in NTA UGC NET Exam mock tests How to prepare for UGC NET Paper 1 Online UGC NET first Paper is the simplest paper, as compared to Paper 2. You can easily gain good marks, you just need to have good and disciplined time management and practice and Preparation Online at , This paper consists of 10 subjects as follows:
  1. Teaching Aptitude.
  2. Research Aptitude
  3.  Reading Comprehension
  4. Communication
  5. Mathematical Reasoning
  6. Logical Reasoning
  7.  Data Interpretation
  8. Information & Communication Technology
  9. People Environment
  10. Higher Education
Now start giving more time on these subjects, to make it simple and score good. From the UGC NET exam pattern, almost every subject contained 5 questions, which means from every subject there will be 5 questions.

How to prepare for UGC NET Paper1 Online

  1.  Download NTA Net Paper 1 syllabus
  2. Get Paper 1  study material.
  3. Practice Questions from practice questions section
  4. Give time to every subject: decide your study time for every subject but don’t forget to give your main time over those subjects which are the toughest subject of NTA NET Paper1.
  5. Do practice, interpret, reasoning, and make a good grip.
  6. Go through Short questions section to clear your concepts on typical topics of CSIR NET Paper 1 which is conducted bt National Testing Agency (NTA).
  7. Solve previous years practice papers for UGC net practice paper 1 preparation
  8. Give UGC NET exam paper 1 MOCK TEST
This section contains every information you need to know about the UGC NET first Paper. Various search terms used for this section are-

UGC net first paper

NTA  net paper 1 preparation

NTA  net paper 1

UGC net paper 1 preparation online

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