Explanation : The opposites of ‘passed’ and ‘girls’ are not ‘failed’
and ‘boys’. Failed and boys are not mentioned in the
statements. So, no conclusion is valid.
Explanation : The logical form of ‘Most of Indian states existed
before independence’ is ‘Some Indian states existed
before independence’. It is same as conclusion I. Statement and conclusion cannot be the same. Conclusion II
is also not implied. So, (d) is the answer.
Explanation : After converting statement I, we can say that ‘a’ is
true. ‘On time’ does not mean ‘not late’ in case of propositions. Thus, options (c) and (d) also not converse of (a).
Explanation : ‘Most teachers are hardworking’ is ‘Some teachers
are hardworking’ in its logical form. Both statement
and conclusion cannot be the same. So conclusion I
is not implied. However, conclusion II ‘Some teachers
are not hardworking’ is complimentary of I, so only II is
implied. Thus, option (b) is the answer.