26. On an indifference map, if the income consumption curve slopes downwards to the right it shows that
Both X and Y are superior goods
Y is an inferior good
X is an inferior good
Both X and Y are inferior goods
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27. An entrepreneur will stay in business in the long run as long as he meets
Variable costs of production
Fixed costs of production
All costs of production
None of these
28. Under a bilateral monopoly, the price is higher if
The monopolist has his way
The monopsonist has his way
The monopolist acts as a competitor
The monopsonist sells his own product in a monopoly market
29. A perfectly competitive firm will always expand output as long as
Rising marginal cost is less than the average cost
Rising marginal cost is less than the marginal revenue
Rising marginal cost is less than the price
None of the above
30. Expanding output to the rising marginal cost is less than price, is the nature of
Perfectly competitive industry
Perfectly competitive market
Perfectly competitive firm
Imperfectly competitive market
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