International Business

1: Which one of the following theories says that "to export was good and to be encouraged but to import was bad and to the discouraged."

Comparative cost theory


The theory of Absolute Advantage


Factor Endowment theory


Mercantilist theory


Answer : D

Explanation :

Sonika said: (10:57pm on Monday 12th December 2016)
Answer will be D because mercantilist theory discourage imports and encourage import
pramod said: (1:40am on Sunday 25th December 2016)
ans D bcuz mercantile theory blvd dat a country should increase its holding of goods
Shubha Bharti said: (2:11pm on Saturday 22nd April 2017)
The answer is Mercantilist theory because s this was the oldest theory and it said that exports should be encouraged and the it should be reserved in terms of Gold.
EBENEZER ADAMS said: (2:56am on Friday 3rd November 2017)
The answer is D, because the Mercantilist theory discourages import and encourages export

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Option: A

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