Financial and Management Accounting


Which of the following statement is correct?

Fixed assets must always be shown at market value
Book-keeping and accounting are different terms

Owner's Equity = Assets + Liabilities


Patents is an example of current asset


Answer : A

Explanation :

Jasbir Singh said: (12:38am on Sunday 26th June 2016)
According to historical cost concept Fixed assets must always be shown at market value For example:The company built its ERP in 2008 at a cost of $40 million. In 2010 it is estimated that the present value of the future benefits attributable to the ERP is $1 billion. The ERP shall stand on balance sheet at its historical costs less accumulated depreciation.
nisha said: (9:26pm on Wednesday 21st February 2018)
B..Is the right ans as book keeping is a narrower term than accounting

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Option: A

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