26. Which of the given element A, B, C, D and E with atomic number 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 respectively belong to the same period? (NTSE Chandigarh, Stage-I, 2014-15)
A, B, C
B, C, D, E
A, D, E
B, D, E
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27. False statement for second period elements is (NTSE Rajasthan, Stage-I, 2014-15)
Change in number of electrons produces ions
Numbers of protons and electrons are equal in neutral atom
Number of neutrons is less than the number of protons in atoms
Change in the number of neutrons in atom produces isotopes
28. Which of the following orders of atomic radii is correctly represented? (NTSE Delhi, Stage-I, 2014-15)
B < AI < Ga
B < Ga < AI
AI < B < Ga
B> Ga > AI
29. The total number of groups in Modern Periodic table is (NTSE Tamil Nadu, Stage-I, 2014-15)
30. An element with atomic number 17 is placed in the group 17 of the long form periodic table. Element with atomic number 9 is placed above and with atomic number 35 is placed below it. Element with atomic number 16 is placed left and with atomic number 18 is placed right to it. Which of the following statements are correct? (a) Valency of the element with atomic number 18 is zero. (b) Elements with same valency will have atomic number 16, 17 and 18. (c) Valency of elements with atomic number 9,17 and 35 is one. (d) Element with atomic number 17 is more electronegative than that element with atomic numbers 16 and 35 (NTSE Stage-II, 2013-14)
(a), (b) & (c)
(a), (c) & (d)
(b), (c) & (d)
(a), (b) & (d)
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