16. False statement for second period elements is (NTSE Rajasthan, Stage-I, 2013-14)
Change in number of electrons produces ions
Number of protons and electrons are equal in neutral atom
Number of neutrons is less than the number of protons in atoms
Change in the number of neutrons in atom produces isotopes
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17. Which of the following is the correct electronic configuration of Argon? (NTSE Rajasthan, Stage-I, 2013-14)
2, 8
2, 8, 8
2, 8, 1
8, 2, 8
18. Match the following Column-I Column-II (A) Strongest reducingagent in aqueoussolution (i) Thalium (B) Shows inert pair effect (ii) Caesium (C) Forms peroxide on heating with excess of oxygen (iii) Lithium (D) Used in photo cells (iv) Sodium (NTSE Haryana, Stage-I, 2013-14)
A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii
A-iii, B-i, C-iv, D-ii
A-iii, B-ii, C-i, D-iv
A-ii, B-iv, C-i, D-iii
19. The atomic number of third alkali metal is (NTSE Odisha, Stage-I, 2013-14)
20. An element X has 7 electrons in its L shell. What is true about the element X___________________ ? I. It belongs to period 9 of modern periodic table. II. Its atom contains 9 protons. III. It has a valency of 7. IV. Its atoms can accept an electron to acquire noble gas configuration (NTSE Stage-II, 2012-13)
(I) & (II)
(II) & (III)
(III) & (IV)
(II) & (IV)
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