11. Test cross is a cross between (NTSE Haryana, Stage-I, 2013-14)
One homozygous and another heterozygous individual
One individual with recessive character and another with dominant character of same species
Two individuals of same species, each homozygous for a character
Two individuals homozygous for a character
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12. Population size is controlled by (NTSE Haryana, Stage-I, 2013-14)
Death rate
Birth rate
Demographic transition
Carrying capacity of environment
13. Some green beetles appear among the red beetle because (NTSE Stage-II,2012-13)
Beetles become green by accumulating chlorophyll from the green leaves that they eat
Natural variations occur during sexual reproduction
Red beetles mimic green colour of leaves whenever they see crows
Beetles change colour from red to green with change of season
14. The colour composition of beetle population is likely to change in the following manner (NTSE Stage-II, 2012-13)
Both red and green beetle survive equally
Only the red beetle survives
More red beetles survive than the green
More green beetles survive than the red
15. Which law is depicted by the above cross?
Which law is depicted by the above cross?
Law of dominance
Law of segregation
Law of independent assortment
All the three
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