Explanation : Child-centred education is the greatest contribution of psychology to education. This helps young children to engage actively with experiences to construct their own views of the world.
Explanation : Principle of classification is not related to principles of growth and development. Principles of classification is a systematic ordering of the object which has connection with development and growth.
Explanation : In class teaching, the step of introducing a lesson is based on law of readiness. Readiness implies a degree of concentration and eagerness and individuals learn best when they are physically, mentally and emotionally ready to learn.
Explanation : The first step of concept formation is perception. We can think of perception as a process where we first take in sensory information from our environment and use that information in order to interact with our environment.
Explanation : Albert Bandura gave the concept of observational learning. He stated that people's behaviour could be determined by their environment observational learning occurs through observing negative and positive behaviours.