Interest on Rs.22500 = 0.1 x 22500 = 2250
Charges for managing the concern = 60 x 12 = 720
If yearly profit is x, then B's share and A's share = (x/2)
∴(x/2)-2250 + 720
= (1/2)((x/2) -720 + 2250)
=> x = Rs. 9180.
Difference in % of votes = 57-43 = 14%
14% is represented by 420
Total number of votes = 420*(100/14)= 3,000
Let CP be Rs.x
SP = 1.2 x But he gets only 1.2x * 0.8 = 0.96x
Loss = 0.04x
Hence Loss % = 4.
CP = Rs.550
∴ Marked price = 1.3x550 = Rs.715
∴ sales price = 0.8x715 = Rs.572.