Explanation : David has violated Standard IV(C) by failing to supervise the actions of
those accountable to her. She did not set up procedures to prevent the
dissemination of or trading on the information.
Explanation : Ali has clearly misrepresented some important information. By not being
honest, he is also violating the standard with regards to misconduct.
Explanation : By responding to the client’s RFP, the group of employees is competing
directly with the employer, hence Standard IV(A) Loyalty is violated.
Explanation : Standard V(B) Communication with Client and Prospective Clients has
been violated, because Swanson’s assessment is an opinion not a fact.
He did not distinguish between opinion and fact.
Explanation : Zahoor has violated Standard VI(B) Priority of Transactions by taking
advantage of her knowledge of the stock and buying it for herself rather
than her client.