Explanation : The Standard relating to Independence & Objectivity has not been
violated because Devgan has not received any gifts, benefits or
consideration to compromise his independence and objectivity.
Explanation : Standard V(B) Communications with Clients and Prospective Clients has been
violated. Seriozha has not run the downside risks and has not explained the
limitations of his model with respect to a change in rates contrary to the one he
has reported. Members and Candidates must adequately disclose the marketrelated risks and limitations contained in their investment products and
recommendations especially in their investment process.
Explanation : Khadri is in violation of Standard VI(A) Conflicts of Interest
by failing to disclose to her clients that she is receiving additional
compensation for promoting and selling Zoratri’s shares. Khadri has also
not informed her employer of the additional benefits received for
recommending Zoratri’s stock. Therefore her employer cannot evaluate
her loyalty and objectivity. She also failed to disclose the additional
compensation arrangement.
Explanation : Tivari has violated Standard III(C) Suitability by not identifying the risks
and objectives of Ahisma and selecting an aggressive investment for
both clients which is only suitable for Adya, since the two clients have
different financial objectives and circumstances