Quantitative Methods Q110

0. The following table shows the returns of various stocks of a portfolio, ranked in ascending order:
Stock 1 10.50Stock 6 14.24
Stock 2 11.25Stock 714.75
Stock 3 12.05Stock 815.30
Stock 4 12.65Stock 916.00
Stock 5  13.55Stock 1017.45

The value of the third quintile is closest to:

  • Option : B
  • Explanation : The position of the third quintile can be found through the following formula: Ly = (n + 1) ∗ ( y ); Where, y is the percentage point at which we are dividing the distribution. Here, y = 60, the 60th percentile (third quintile); n = 10 L60 = (10 + 1) ∗ ( 60 ) = 6.6; Therefore, the location of the third quintile is between the return of Stock 6 and Stock 7. Linear interpolation is used for finding the approximate value of the third quintile. In the above case, return on the 6th stock is 14.24% and on the 7th stock is 14.75%. L60 = 14.55% which is 14.24% (6 th value) plus 0.6 times the linear distance between 14.24% and 14.75%
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