16. The light producing gas in the lamp of the hawkers is (NTSE West Bengal, Stage-I, 2013-14)
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17. The mixture of CO and N2 is called as __ .(NTSE Odisha, Stage-I, 2013-14)
Water gas
Producer gas
Synthetic gas
Marsh gas
18. Which of the following is represented by general formula CnH2n+20? (NTSE Haryana, Stage-I, 2013-14)
Alcohols only
Both alcohols and ethers
Aldehydes only
Both aldehydes and ketones
19. A compound X is obtained by the reaction of alkaline KMn04 with another ompound Y followed by acidification. Compound X also reacts with compound in presence of few drops of H2S04 to form a sweet smelling compound Z. The compound X, Y and Z are, respectively (NTSE Stage-II,2012-13)
Ethanol, Ethene, Ethanoic acid
Ethanoic acid, Ethanol, Ethylethanoate
Ethanoic acid, Ethanal, Ethene
Ethanol, Ethanoic acid, Sodium Ethanoate
20. Which of the following pairs of compounds of carbon will undergo combustion as well as addition reactions? (NTSE Stage-Ii,2012-13)
CH4 and C2H6
C2H60 and C3H8O
C2H40 2 and C3H8O
C2H2 and C3H6
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