Tableau Interview Questions

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Usually, Dimensions are discreet and Measures are continuous. When a Dimension field is used as a filter, it displays as separate categories in a List or a Drop-down. If Measure field is used as a filter, it gets displayed as a slider.

- Parameters provide a dynamic value to the hardcoded or constant value in a visualization.

- Parameters are single select and provide context only when used in a calculated field.

- Parameters can work as a data input to the visualization.

- A good use of parameter will be, for example, if you want to change the measure in a chart based on the values selected by a user.

- Parameters are displayed at the bottom of the data section.
Parameter is not a filter but can work with a filter.
This can be done by creating a string parameter, say “Param select Measure” for these measures.

Use this parameter in a calculated field, say, “Select Measure” Create a visualization using this calculated field Select Measure.

Display the “Param Select Measure” for user selection.

Exercise: Create a new sheet, use Region, Sales, Profit, and Quantity.
Create a parameter, so that the user can pick a measure from the list and it should change the measure in the visualization.
Sorting means arranging data in ascending, descending, or customized order.

- Sorting can be ascending or descending. Sorting can be on dimensions or measures.

- Sorting options can be selected from the toolbar.

In how many ways can be Sorting be done in Tableau?

Sorting option is also available when your mouse hovers over the axis of a chart.

- Pill sorting option is available only for dimensions.

- Sorting can also be performed by dragging and dropping data elements on a chart.

In how many ways can be Sorting be done in Tableau?

- Color legends also can be sorted by manually.