Tableau provides different kinds of visualization objects. Show Me option shows all the charts available. Based on selected dimensions and measures, Tableau shows the suggested charts in “Show Me”
Filters help in restricting or excluding data. Filters are applied independently of each other. Each time a filter is applied a separate query is sent to the data source. Exceptions to the rule are the “Context filters”. Tableau provides different types of filters.
Data Source filters. These filters are added to the data source. These filters restrict whole data.
Extract filters. These filters are implemented while creating an extract. Right-click on the data source and select Extract data. In the extract data options, select the filter/s.
Context filters. These filters create a subset of data. Context filter, if applied, acts like a temp table. All the other filters act on this sub-set of data.
Quick filters. These filters give the user an option to select a filter while viewing a dashboard or a visualization. Place a field on the Filters shelf, right-click and select “Show filter”