26. Which of the following is not a language component?
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27. If a student is unable to learn a task by a specific method, then as a teacher, you should......... .
ignore the student and move to the next topic
give some extra time to the students to learn the task
explain the situation to the student's parents
tell the student that the task is not very important
28. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a language?
A vital part of growth process
Has its own set of grammatical rules
It is productive and creative
It is spontaneous, not a result of evolution
29. Which is no longer a position of English language in India?
Link language
Associate-official language
Global language
Foreign language
30. Sangeeta, English teacher of class V first explains the different parts of a sentence and then she teaches the synthesis of sentences so that her learners can easily understand the concept. She is following the principle of
induction to deduction
concrete to abstract
known to unknown
analysis to synthesis
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