11. A patent is granted for a specified amount of time because of the assumption:
That during this time firm will cover its development costs
That firm will earn a sufficient profit during this period
To limit the monopoly of the firm
That it will stimulate the idea and development of a better product.
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12. Which one of the following are barriers to news product creation and development
Trial and error
Opportunity parameter
Opportunity cost
Intrapreneurship culture
13. Which are the balance points of Entrepreneurship?
Means of social changes
Increase in employment opportunities
Optimum utilization of resources
All of the above
14. Which of the following techniques is an excellent method for initially screening ideas and concepts in addition to generating new ideas?
Focus group
Problem inventory analysis
Reverse brainstorming
15. Which one of the following is NOT an intrapreneurial leadership characteristic?
Understands environment
Encourage the teamwork
Not flexible
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