6. Given that cost conditions are same, in monopolistic competition price is ...... and output is ........ as compared to perfect competition.
Higher, same
Same, lower
Higher, lower
Lower, higher
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7. The imposition of a ceiling on a monopolist's price will affect his
Equilibrium output only
Average revenue in the short-run only
Profits only
Equilibrium output and profits
8. A monopolist will fix the equilibrium output of his product where the elasticity of his AR curve is
Equal to or less than one
Greater than or equal to one
Less than one but more than zero
9. On an indifference map, higher indifference curves show
Levels of satisfaction among which the consumer is indifferent
The optimum level of satisfaction
The higher level of utility
The same lower level of satisfaction
10. Which of the following is true at equilibrium in monopolistic competition?
Price is greater than marginal cost
Average revenue is greater than marginal revenue
Both (A) and (B)
Average revenue is equal to marginal revenue
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