Explanation : Statement A is incorrect because under IFRS, interest paid is considered a
financing cash flow. Statement B is incorrect because under U.S. GAAP,
dividend received is considered an operating cash flow. Hence, statement
C is correct.
Explanation : Interest paid must be categorized as an operating cash flow activity under
U.S. GAAP, although it can be categorized as either an operating or
financing cash flow activity under IFRS.
Explanation : Under IFRS, interest payments can be reported either as operating or
financing, but under U.S. GAAP interest payments can only be reported as
operating cash flow. If interest payments are recategorized from financing
to operating, cash flow from financing will increase and cashflow from
operating will decrease.
Explanation : Dividends received can be classified as either an operating or investing
activity under IFRS, but can only be classified as an operating activity
under U.S. GAAP.