Explanation : According to Standard III(D) Performance Presentation Haq needs to
correct the calculation and length of time specifying the performance of
her trust fund.
Explanation : Refer to Standard II(B) Market Manipulation. Weinberg created an
appearance of greater liquidity of stock through its trading strategy and
was able to manipulate the market.
Explanation : Bates is violating Standard III(A) Loyalty, Prudence and Care. He should
have weighed the benefits of the trip against the commission charged by
Sia. He should have also determined whether best execution and prices
could be received from Sia.
Explanation : Burnette has violated Standard IV(C) Responsibilities of Supervisors by
neglecting to review thoroughly Desai’s report and her recommendations.
It is Burnette’s responsibility to set up appropriate procedures; these are
documented, communicated and followed by the personnel working for
her. She has also violated Standard of Diligence and Reasonable basis.