Explanation : The assets managed by a firm is presented to clients, and is not
confidential. Since no names or confidential details of the clients were
disclosed, Standard III(E) is not violated.
Explanation : Since Fabnish is a client covered as part of their research analysis, there
is a conflict of interest. She was paid for her engagement which she
should have disclosed to her employer. Refer to Standard IV(B)
Additional Compensation Arrangements.
Explanation : By not educating Ackermann of the compliance procedures for social
media, and not supervising what was being posted online, Wohlers has
violated Standard IV(C) Responsibilities of Supervisors. Ackermann also
violated Standard III(B) Fair Dealing.
Explanation : He is in violation of Standard V(A) Diligence and Reasonable basis
because he did not make reasonable efforts to analyze all aspects such
as stock selection process, fees, investment philosophy, assets under
management, or experience before selecting an adviser. Belkin is also in
violation of Standard III(C) Suitability by not analyzing if the chosen
manager’s services are appropriate for the firm’s clients and if the fee
structure is low relative to the services offered.