Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence (AI), is also called as machine intelligence. It is a branch of computer science which demonstrated by Artificial Intelligence machines, unlike the natural intelligence. It has capability to analyze its environment using either predetermined rules and search algorithms, or pattern recognizing machine learning models.For instance: speech recognition, problem-solving, learning and planning etc.

Approaches to AI: Turing Test and Rational Agent Approaches; State Space Representation of Problems, Heuristic Search Techniques, Game Playing, Min-Max Search, Alpha Beta Cutoff Procedures.
Knowledge Representation: Logic, Semantic Networks, Frames, Rules, Scripts, Conceptual Dependency and Ontologies; Expert Systems, Handling Uncertainty in Knowledge.
Planning: Components of a Planning System, Linear and Non Linear Planning; Goal Stack Planning, Hierarchical Planning, STRIPS, Paltial Order Planning.
Natural Language Processing: Grammar and Language; Parsing Techniques, Semantic Analysis and Prgamatics.
Multi Agent Systems: Agents and Objects; Agents and Expert Systems; Genetic Structure of Multiagent System, Semantic Web, Agent Conummication, Knowledge Sharing using
Ontologies, Agent Development Tools.
Fuzzy Sets: Notion of Fuzziness, Membership Functions, Fuzzification and Defuzzification; Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Functions and Linguistic Valiables; Fuzzy Relations, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Inference; Fuzzy Control System and Fuzzy Rule Based Systems.
Genetic Algorithms (GA): Encoding Strategies, Genetic Operators, Fitness Functions and GA Cycle; Problem Solving using GA.
Artificiai Neural Networks (ANN): Supelvised, Unsupelvised and Reinforcement Leaming; Single Perceptron, Multi Layer Perceptron, Self Organizing Maps, Hopfield Network.


We have large number of artificial intelligence questions in mcqs form. Hence, make sure you have checked our online Artificial Intelligence Questions during precious moments before the competitive exam.Soft Computing Comprises of three parts Artificial Intelligence, Genetic Algorithm and Fuzzy sets. Here in this section you can get multiple choice based on Soft Computing.

Along with the latest Study Material AI mcqs, we also provide artificial intelligence solved previous year’s papers and online mock test. This makes the readers familiar with the exam pattern and the type of questions asked, and makes them prepare to face the exam with confidence.

On one click, you will be able to know the answers are correct or incorrect along with explanation of correct answers. Click on “ACCESS NOW” link to view and practice UGC NET CS- artificial intelligence questions which are listed under it.

What our Artificial intelligence questions  and Soft Computing section covers and who can get benefits of AI mcqs and Soft Computing MCQs- 

These Artificial Intelligence questions and Soft Computing questions can also be used by the students who are pursuing B.Sc Computer Science.

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Artificial Intelligence Quiz

Artificial Intelligence Quiz Questions Answers

Artificial intelligence research questions online

Soft Computing Quiz

Soft Computing Quiz Questions Answers

This Section covers  AI  Quiz .

Who can benefit – 

  • Any undergraduate or postgraduate student who is seeking  Artificial Intelligence online multiple choice quiz can use this section.
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Artificial Intelligence online multiple choice quiz

Artificial Intelligence mcq test

Artificial Intelligence multiple choice test

Artificial Intelligence mcq exam

Artificial Intelligence multiple choice questions quiz

Artificial Intelligence mcq quiz