The global variable b has a value of 4. The function f has an argument 2 and the function’s body has the local variable b with the value 3. So function f(2) will return 3^3 + g(2) and g(2) will give the value 2*4 = 8 where 4 is the value of b.
Thus, the answer is 35
We can merge two data frames by using the merge() function. The data frames must have same column names on which the merging happens.
df1<- data.frame(id<- c(1:6), name <- c(rep(“Amit”,3), rep(“Sumit”,3))
df2<- data.frame(id<-c(7,8,9), name<- c(rep(“Nitin”,2), rep(“Paplu”,1))
*outer join
merge(x=df1, y=df2, by = “id”, all = TRUE)
This all = TRUE will give you the outer join, so the new data set will have all the value from both the data frame merged on the id