Business Analyst

Avatto > > DATA SCIENTIST > > SHORT QUESTIONS > > Business Analyst

Few examples are

- Web analytics (hits, time on website)

- Retail( transaction history)

- Manufacturing (Completion time)

-Government (Tax collection)
Whether a series displays AR or MA behavior often depends on the extent to which it has been differences.

An “under differenced” series has an AR signature (positive autocorrelation) After one or more orders of differencing, the autocorrelation will become more negative and an MA signature will emerge 

Don’t go too far: if series already has zero or negative autocorrelation at lag 1, don’t difference again.

1-Shelf life of model (For how long is the product good to use)

2-Nature of data

3. Nature of business

4-expected accuracy
A modeling language is any artificial language that can be used to express information or knowledge or systems in a structure that is defined by a consistent set of rules. The rules are used for interpretation of the meaning of components in the structure.

-Behavior Trees are a formal, graphical modeling language used primarily in systems and software engineering.

-A flowchart is a schematic representation of an algorithm or a stepwise process.
Be prepared for this question. A modeling language can be graphical or textual.

-Graphical modeling languages use a diagram technique with named symbols that represent concepts and lines that connect the symbols and represent relationships and various other graphical notation to represent constraints.

-Textual modeling languages may use standardized keywords accompanied by parameters or natural language terms and phrases to make computer-interpretable expressions. An example of a graphical modeling language and a corresponding textual modeling language is EXPRESS.