June 2015


In an examination 10,000 students appeared. The result revealed the number of students who have:

passed in all five subjects = 5583

passed in three subjects only = 1400

passed in two subjects only = 1200

passed in one subject only 735

failed in English only = 75

failed in Physics only = 145

failed in Chemistry only = 140

failed in Mathematics only = 200

failed in Bio-science only = 157

The number of students passed in at least four subjects is:










Answer : B

Explanation :

Pooja Sajnani said: (10:46pm on Monday 24th August 2015)
passed in all five subs = 5583nw add failed in one sub = 75 145 140 200 157 = 717nw add 5583 717=6300we want no of students passed in atleast 4 subs i.e. minimum 4 subs
sachin said: (2:00am on Saturday 7th November 2015)
Passed in atleast 4 subject means those students who are getting passed in 4 subjects and failed in single subject.so 5583 717 (failed in single subject) i.e. 6300

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Option: A

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