Data Structures - Trees

11:   A binary tree having n nodes and depth d will be about complete binary tree if
A. any node nd at level less than d-1 has two sons
B. it contains log(d)+1 nodes
C. for any node nd in the tree with a right descendent at level d lt must have a left son
D. all of these

Option: A

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12:   Which of the following statements are correct ?
I. If each tree node contains a father field, then it's not necessary to use either stack or threads
II. Traversal using father pointers is more time efficient than traversal of a threaded tree
III. A in-threaded binary tree is defined as binary tree that is both left-in threaded and right-in

A. II and III
B. I and III
C. I and II
D. None of these

Option: B

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II. Traversal using father pointers is more time efficient than traversal of a threaded tree
III. A in-threaded binary tree is defined as binary tree that is both left-in threaded and right-in

13:   A binary tree of depth "d" is an almost complete binary tree if
A. each leaf in the tree is either at level
B. for any node
C. both a and b
D. None of these

Option: C

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14:   If each node in a tree has value greater the every value in its left subtree and has value less than every value in its right subtree, the tree is called
A. Complete tree
B. Full binary tree
C. Binary search tree
D. AVL tree

Option: C

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15:   The number of nodes in a complete binary tree of level 5 is
A. 15
B. 20
C. 63
D. 71

Option: C

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Pankaj said: (1:38am on Tuesday 29th January 2013)
calculating formula for no of node in complete binary is 2h-1 2^5-1 = 31 Node why 63 plz explain
Sajida said: (11:50pm on Tuesday 13th December 2016)
calculating formula for no of node in complete binary is 2(h 1)-1 2^(5 1 )-1=2^6-1=64-1=63
Sidharth Singh said: (10:29pm on Friday 7th April 2017)
Here level is given as 5 so deapth = level 1Then calculate it will be 63

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