Computer Organization Architecture - Machine instructions and addressing modes

11:   In a generic microprocessor instruction cycle time is
A. Shorter than machine cycle time
B. Larger than machine cycle time
C. Ten times the machine cycle time
D. Exactly the same as the machine cycle time

Option: D

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12:   The stack pointer in the microprocessor is a
A. 16 bit register that point to stack memory locations
B. 32 bit accumulator
C. memory location in the stack
D. flag register used for the stack

Option: A

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13:   Micro program is
A. The name of source program in micro computers
B. The set of instructions indicating the primitive operations in a system
C. Primitive form of macros used in assembly language programming
D. Program of very small size

Option: B

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14:   If we use 3 bits in the instruction word to indicate if an index register is to be used and if necessary, which one is to be used, then the number of index
registers to be used in the machine will be
A. 3
B. 6
C. 5
D. 8

Option: A

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ram prakash verma said: (4:36am on Saturday 12th January 2013)
i think that it is a memory based so

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15:   In a multiprocessor configuration,two co-processors are connected to the host 8086 processor. The two co-processor instruction sets
A. May be different
B. May overlap
C. Must be disjoint
D. Must be the same as that of the host

Option: D

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