Compiler Design - Syntax directed translation


The segment base is specified using the register named is

A. ORG instructions
B. TITLE instruction
C. ASSUME instruction
D. SEGMENT instruction

Option: A

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In what module multiple instances of execution will yield the same result even if one instance has not terminated before the next one has begun ?

A. Non reusable module
B. Serially usable
C. Re-entrable module
D. None of these

Option: C

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Dividing a project into segments and smaller units in order to simplify analysis, design and programming efforts is called

A. Modular approach
B. Top down approach
C. Bottom up approach
D. Left right approach

Option: A

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Which one of the following is the tightest upper bound that represents the time complexity of inserting an object into a binary search tree of n nodes? (GATE-2013)




O(log n)




O(n log n)


Option: C

Explanation :

For skewed binary search tree on n nodes, the tightest upper bound to insert a node is O(n)

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Which ofthe folowing is true for machine language?

A. Repeated execution of program segments
B. Depicting flow of data in a system
C. A sequence of instructions which, when followed properly, solves a problem
D. The language which communicates with the computer using only the binary digits 1 and 0.

Option: D

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