Statement & Argument - Statement and Argument MCQ


Statement: Should competitive tests be objective in nature?

Arg. I: Yes, it gives fair and impartial assessment of the examinees.

Arg. II: No, writing and organizing abiity can not be assessed through this test.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: C

Explanation :

Argument I is the advantage of this type of test and argument II is really the weak aspect of the test. It is not possible to measure writing ability, speed, spelling, organizational ability etc. through multiple choice tests.

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Statement: Should sales tax be abolished?

Arg. I: Yes, it will eliminate an important source of corruption.

Arg. II: Yes, it will bring the prices of commodities down and hence consumers will be benefited.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Corruption is involved not only in tax colecting but sellers of the commodities are also habitual with several types of corrupt activities like black marketing, fake receipts etc. So argument I is strong. But argument II is weak because in a free market prices are determined by the forces of demand and supply. 

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Statement: Should higher education be restricted to the most deserving students.

Arg. I: Yes, only deserving people are entitled to this luxury.

Arg. II: No, it is against the principles of equality of educational opportunity.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: D

Explanation :

Equality of educational opportunity does not mean that everyone must be given the chance of getting education irrespective of his talents. It simply means that any citizen of India wil not be discriminated on the basis of his caste, creed, colour or profession. Higher education entails higher costs so scrutiny is a must here.

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Statement: Do good quaity products need wide publicity?

Arg. I: Yes, iri the present clay world of competition, customers can not know about a new product without proper pubicity.

Arg. II: No, good quality products auto-matically attract customers and thus speak for themselves.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: C

Explanation :

With out proper publicity we can not tell our customers about the quality of our products but once it is introduced in the market after small publicity, people choose it because of its high quality and other people are informed by those who have already chosen and then automatic publicity process goes on.

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Statement: Has the medical science really lengthened the span of life ?

Arg. I: Yes, the new drugs have been able to combat the diseases and increases the span of life.

Arg. II: No, the eternal truth that every person's days are numbered can not be denied.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Assumption II is not strong because its meaning is entirely different from that of the statement.

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