Statement & Argument - Statement and Argument MCQ


Statement: Computer based technology is very fruitful for industrial development in India.

Arg. I: Yes, accuracy, fast production and fineness are possible through computer technology.

Arg. II: No, it will increase unemployment in the country.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: C

Explanation :

There is no doubt at all about the first argument and II is also strong because India is a populous country where labour intensive technique is more suitable than capital intensive technique.

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 Statement: Should there be women chief ministers in states ?

Arg. I: Yes, only then the plight of women will be removed and their condition will improve.

Arg. II: No, a woman is not capable of ruling a state.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: D

Explanation :

The history illustrates that sufferings of women were stopped by men and so is the case even today. So argument I is weak and argument II is also weak because many of the women happened to be the rulers of states and nations and they are ruing well even today.

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Statement: Should mass media be fully controlled by the government?

Arg. I: Yes, the contradictory news only confuses the people.

Arg. II: No, its credibility will be doubtful if mass media is controlled by government.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: B

Explanation :

Argument I is not strong because whenever there is a contradiction in a news it is not because newspapers or TV are in private hands but other reasons are responsible for it. Even in government controlled newspapers, one news sometime contradicts the other news. Government's controlled mass media generally speak the language of the ruling party and thus its credibility becomes doubtful.

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Statement: Should religion be banned ?

Arg. I: Yes, it develops fanaticism among people.

Arg. II: No, religion binds people together.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: B

Explanation :

There is no doubt in the fact that religion binds people together but it is doubtful that it develops fanaticism. All religious people like humanity in general and love human being. Only those who are exhibitory and beieve in crocodile's tear are fanatical.

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Statement : Should smoking be prohibited?

Arg I. Yes, it damages the liver and the lung.

Arg. II: No, it will drive millions of tobacco workers out.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Argument I is based on scientific researches but argument II is not logical.Its reason is given in argument I.

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