Statistics and methodology


Average sales of Bata Shoe Co's multiple shops are Rs. 12,500 per month with a standard deviation of Rs. 4050. Find out what proportion of all shops sold between Rs. 12,500 and Rs. 16,550?


Rs. 12,500 and Rs. 16,550


Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 16,000


Rs. 13,000 and Rs. 16,000


Rs. 12,000 and Rs. 13,900


Answer : A

Explanation :

(x - μ)/σ = (16550 - 12500)/4050 = 1.00

By referring to the table we find the area covered

by the normal curve = 0.34134

or,      0.34134 x 100 = 34.134%

Hence shop sold between 12500 and 16550.

Hence the answer is (a).

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Option: A

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