Theory Of Computation MCQ


In the following grammar :

x : : = x  ⊕ y |  4
y : : = z * y I 2
z : : = id

which of the folowing is true ?


⊕ is left associative while * is right associative


Both ⊕ and * are left associative


⊕ is right associative while * is left associative


None of these


Answer : A

Explanation :

Preeti said: (7:23pm on Wednesday 20th November 2013)
Answer A is correct.
anita said: (1:20pm on Tuesday 2nd May 2017)
ans a is correct
Ankit said: (1:42am on Thursday 24th August 2017)
A answer is correct
Akhil Babu said: (9:46pm on Monday 26th February 2018)
Option A is currect.
Yudhik said: (7:23am on Tuesday 24th April 2018)
A is the correct answer

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Option: A

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