C Programming MCQ


 If a variable can take only integral values from 0 to n. where n is a constant integer, then the variable can be represented as a bit-field whose width is the integral part of (the log in the answers arc to the base 2)


log (n) + 1


log (n - 1) + 1


log (n + 1) + 1


none of the above


Answer : A

Explanation :

Let n = 7. It needs actually a 3 bit-field. But log (n + 1) + 1 will be log (8 ) +1, i.e., 4, which is wrong.
If n = 8, 4 bits are needed. But, log (n - 1) + 1 will be log (7) + 1, which will have an integral part of 3.
log (n) + 1 will yield the correct result in both the cases.

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Option: A

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