C Programming MCQ


If y is of integer type then the expression
 3 * ( y - 8 ) / 9 and  ( y - 8 )/ 9 * 3


must yield the same value


must yield different values 


may or may not yield the same value


none of these


Answer : C

Explanation :

If y = 11, the expression 3 * (y - 8) / 9 becomes 3 * 3 / 9. which evaluates to 1. But the expression ( y - 8 )/ 9 * 3 becomes 3 / 9 * 3. which evaluates to 0 (since 3 / 9 is 0)

prakash said: (4:38pm on Tuesday 30th April 2013)
=[3*(y-8)] / 9=[3*(11-8)] / 9=[3*(3)] / 9=9 / 9/=12ed=[(y-8)/9] * 3=[(11-8)/9] * 3=[(3)/9] * 3=[1/3] * 3=1thus,both r samemeans ans. is A

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Option: A

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