C Programming MCQ


In the following 'C' code, in which order the functions would be called ?

a = ( f1(23,14 ) * f2 (12/14)) + f3 () ;






The order may vary from compiler to compiler


None of these


Answer : A

Explanation :

sujit said: (8:12pm on Sunday 1st December 2013)
Wrong.In Airthmatic expression the ( ) tell compiler which oerands go with operators but do not force comiler to evaluate every () first.So, Ans should be 'C'
Manjusha said: (10:25am on Saturday 5th November 2016)
According to precedence and associativity rules * must be executed first and then .So, option A is correct
sonali manohar shelke said: (8:12am on Monday 18th December 2017)
Multiplication has highest priority in operator precedence and then hence option A is correct

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Option: A

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