Operating System


Consider the following heap :
JOB1-50 FREE-150 JOB2-300 FREE-350 JOB3-600
The sequence of requests for blocks of sizes 300, 25, 125, 50 can be satisfied if we use


either first fit or best fit policy


first fit, but not best fit


best fit, but not first fit


none of these


Answer : B

Explanation :

Adarsh said: (3:17pm on Monday 6th July 2015)
how is it possible? Can you explain?
jamal said: (4:52pm on Monday 8th August 2016)
yes adarsh the best fit can not be used here because if we used the best case than to bring the first job that 300 it will occupied in the free space 350 wile livening 50 free space similarly in the second the job 25 will occupied the free space 50 and livening 25 free space and similarly 125 job will go to 150 free space livening 25 free space ,than for the job 50 there will be no free space so best case is not possible...

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Option: A

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