Operating System


Working set (t, k) at an instant of time, t, is


the set of k future references that the operating system will make


the set of future references that the operating system will make in the next 'k' time units


the set of k reference with high frequency


the set of pages that have been referenced in the last k time units


Answer : D

Explanation :

The working set model states that a process can be in RAM if and only if all of the pages that it is currently using (often approximated by the most recently used pages) can be in RAM. The model is an all or nothing model, meaning if the pages it needs to use increases, and there is no room in RAM, the process is swapped out of memory to free the memory for other processes to use.


                             The main hurdle in implementing the working set model is keeping track of the working set. The working set window is a moving window. At each memory reference a new reference appears at one end and the oldest reference drops off the other end. A page is in the working set if it is referenced in the working set window.


                         To avoid the overhead of keeping a list of the last k referenced pages, the working set is often implemented by keeping track of the time t of the last reference, and considering the working set to be all pages referenced within a certain period of time.

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