Operating System


Disk requests come to a disk driver for cylinders 10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6 and 38, in that order at a time when the disk drive is reading from cylinder 20. The seek time is 6 ms per cylinder.

The total seek time, if the disk arm scheduling algorithm is first-come-first-served is


360 ms


876 ms


850 ms


900 ms


Answer : B

Explanation :

According to FCFS order serverd will be (20),10, 22, 20, 2, 40, 6 and 38

Seek time = 10+12+2+18+38+34+32 = 146

The disk drive has to traverse totally 146 cylinders (verify). So, seek time is 6 x 146 = 876 ms.

Kishore R said: (6:17pm on Friday 9th October 2015)
disk drive is reading from cylinder 20,fcfs ,20 2 40 6 38 10 22=138seek time=138x6=824 I had some confusion

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Option: A

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