Operating System


The methods for dealing with the deadlock problem is


Use a protocol to make sure that the system never enters in to the deadlock state.


Allow the system to enter a deadlock state and then recover.


Ignore the problem, and pretend that deadlocks never occur in the system. The UNIX operating system uses this solution.


all of these


Answer : D

Explanation :

Methods for Handling Deadlocks

  • Deadlock Detection.
    • Always grant resource request when possible. Periodically check for deadlocks. If a deadlock exists, recover from it.

  • Deadlock Prevention

    • Disallow one of the four necessary conditions for deadlock.

  • Deadlock Avoidance.

    • Do not grant a resource request if this allocation have the potential to lead to a deadlock.

  • Ignore the problem

    • Makes sense if the likelihood is very low.

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