Computer Networks


It is desired to send a sequence of computer screen images over an optical fiber. The screen is 480 x 640 pixels, each pixel being 24 bits. There are 60 screen images per second. How much bandwidth is needed, and how many microns of wavelenth are needed for this band at 1.30 microns?


1.0 x 105 microns


2 x 105 microns


2.5 x 105 microns


5 x 105 microns


Answer : C

Explanation :

Data rate is 480 x 640 x 24 x 60 bps, which is 442 Mbps.
Assume 1 bps per Hz. ∆ λ  = 4.42 x 105
From the ralation  λ = ∆ λ c
 ⇒ ∆ λ= λ2/c
∆ λ =4.42 x 105
λ=2.5 x 105 microns


anshu said: (1:48am on Tuesday 3rd February 2015)
480 x 640 x 24 x 60 bps=442368000bps how it is 442 Mbps

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