C Programming MCQ - I/O Operations

46:   Printf("%d"printf("tim"));
A. Result in a syntax error
B. Outputs tim3
C. Outputs garbage
D. Prints tim and terminate abruptly

Option: B

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47:   If abc is the input, then folloiwng program fragment
char x,y,z;
results in
A. A syntax error
B. Garbage Values
C. Segmentation violation
D. Printing of 3

Option: D

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What does the statement,
prints :










Option: D

Explanation :

It will print '1' as  : operator states that either  first or second condition true.

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jagadeesh said: (6:27pm on Tuesday 30th May 2017)
here the statement is false when 0 and true in remaining all cases the logic in the question can be rewritten as 10?(0?5:1):12 here 10 is true so 0?5:1 is executed and 0 is false so 1 is returned

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49:   Result of the execution of the following "C" program fragment is
int i= 107,x =5;
A. An execution error
B. A syntax error
C. Printing of k
D. Garbage Value

Option: C

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50:   Find the output of the following : for (i=1,j=10;i
A. 1 1 0 2 9 3 8 4 7 5 6
B. 1 2 3 4 5 1 0 9 8 7 6
C. 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 9 9
D. Infinite Loop

Option: A

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