Computer Organization Architecture

1: A low memory can be connected to microprocessor by using
C. Both (a) and (b)

Answer : D

Explanation :

reshma perveen said: (7:27pm on Wednesday 2nd September 2015)
Ya,read is assigned with enable low input,as well as write and in ta are also having enable low.these three r active low pins.while inter,ale,hold,hlda are active high pins,so enable kept high,while set,reset acts on 0,1
Avinash A said: (12:34pm on Sunday 27th August 2017)
READY is an active high input control.It is used by microprocessor to detect whether a peripheral has completed ( or is ready) the data transfer or not .The main function of this pin is to synchronize slower peripheral to faster microprocessor.

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Option: A

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