Compiler Design


 In operator precedence parsing, precedence relations are defined


for all pair of non-terminals


for all pair of terminals


to delimit the handle


none of these


Answer : A

Explanation :

 There are two important properties for these operator precedence parsers is that it does not appear on the right side of any production and no production has two adjacent nonterminals. Means no production right side is empty or has two adjacent nonterminals. So accordig to property  option (A) is correct.

Sherin Agustine said: (3:35pm on Monday 14th September 2015)
I think the option is (B) because we are using only terminal symbols for constructing the table with precedence relations

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Option: A

Explanation : Explanation will come here. Explanation will come here. Explanation will come here. Explanation will come here. Explanation will come here.