Statement & Argument - Statement and Argument MCQ


Statement: Should public meeting and conferences be banned in the country?

Arg. I: Yes, it is the place where, opponents are abused
Arg. II: No, it is against fundamental rights given to citizens of India.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: B

Explanation :

Right to freedom of expression is a fun- damental right. So argument II is strong but argument I is weak because it rarely happens that opponents are abused in public meetings and conferences.

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Statement: Should sex education be given in schools ?

Arg. I: Yes, it is given in westersn countries.

Arg. II: No, it is naturally gained when children grow into adolescence.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: D

Explanation :

The culture of India is very much different from that of the western countries. So whatever is liked there may not be necessarily regarded good here. Moreover, children need not such type of education but they are adults who should be imparted sex education. Knowledge of sex in real sense is not an innate process.

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 Statement: Should drivers be prohibited to consume liquors ?

Arg. I: Yes, it reduces the chance of un- controlled driving of vehicles.

Arg. II: No, it adds to stamina in them.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Controlled driving can not be done in the state of intoxication. So argument I is strong but argument II is weak. Consuming liquor does increase stamina for a while but after that it crashes the nervous system.

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Statement: Should income tax be evaded by the people ?

Arg. I: Yes, the rate of income tax is very high.

Arg. II: No, it is ilegal and unlawful.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: B

Explanation :

The rate of income tax is really very high but even then we should not evade it because it is against law.

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Statement: Should state lotteries be stopped ?

Arg. I: Yes, government should not promote gambling habits
Arg. II: No, government will have to suffer loss of revenue.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: D

Explanation :

Both the arguments are not strong

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