Statement & Argument - Statement and Argument MCQ


Statement:  Should India have nuclear weapons?

Arg. I: Yes, it is necessary to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the country.

Arg. II: No, this will disturb the balance of power in the region.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Having a nuclear weapon is one thing and using it indiscriminately is another thing. So argument I is strong but II one is not strong because some other countries of the region does also have it.

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Statement: The educated people should work in villages.

Arg. I: Yes, because they can revolutionarize agriculture and revamp the rural atmosphere.

Arg. II: No, because their education might wastes there in villages.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Argument I is strong because by using their education properly they can revolutionarize agriculture and revamp rural atmosphere. It does not mean that their education is being wasted there.

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Statement: Should the health care services be nationalized?s

Arg. I: Yes, it has been done else where in the world.

Arg. II No, the quality of health care services will deteriorate.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: D

Explanation :

A thing which is considered good else where in the world can not necessarily be good for us. Thus immitation of a model can not be the base of an argument and nationalized health cal.e services are not always attached with poor health service. So argument II is also weak.

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Statement: Should guides published by private agencies be banned ?

Arg. I: Yes, because only then students will start reading text books.

A.rg. II: No, because they are of immense help for weak students at the eleventh hour.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: B

Explanation :

If agencies stop publishing guide books it is not necessary that students will go through text books. Study habits are related to other variables like inteligence, socio-economic status, aim of life etc. On the other hand there is no doubt that guides are helpful for weak students. So argument II is strong.

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Statement: Agriculture in India should be mechanized.

Arg. I: Yes, it would lead to higher production.

Arg. II: No, many villagers would be left unemployed.


only I is strong


only argument II is strong


both the arguments are strong


neither I nor II is strong


Option: A

Explanation :

Mechanization in agriculture does not mean that many people will lose their jobs. Mechanization generally helps in reducing the use of animals in agriculture.

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